The Great Mutation Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is due to take place place on 21 December 2020 - contemporaneously with the winter solstice, when the veil between this world and the subtler worlds is thin. You see, this is no ordinary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn. Unlike the usual cycle, which is characterised by 20-year conjunctions, a mutation conjunction happens only once every two hundred years or so, when Jupiter and Saturn not only come together, but shift into a different element.
In this case, the Greater Benefic and the Greater Malefic are shifting from Capricorn into Aquarius, and thus from earth into air. Fundamentally, these particular elemental changes mark shifts in the evolution of humanity. The collective must go through ordeals in order to grow - just like the individuals that give it life.
Plagues, wars, changes in rulership, and development of social structures are some of the outputs of a Jupiter-Saturn Great Mutation Conjunction, as documented by astrologers through the ages. 2020 has certainly featured these.
If you are familiar with the Qabalastic Tree of Life, you will know that Jupiter is assigned to Chesed, the sephirah of Mercy on the Pillar of Mercy, and that Saturn is assigned to Geburah, the sephirah of Power on the Pillar of Severity. Whereas Jupiter represents growth and expansion, Saturn represents limitation and lack. But Saturn also represents structure. And so the structure provided by Saturn can form an effective container for Jupiter’s unbridled enthusiasm. The two planets must come into a state of dynamic equilibrium - or balance - in order to give birth to something new. That is the natural order of things and must not be interfered with. When anything becomes unbalanced, the scales will inexorably tip in the other direction to bring about the necessary balance. When greed, laziness, complacency, entitlement, and inertia begin to halt necessary growth, the power of reason must intervene to bring in new ways of thinking and new social norms. Crisis is often the unlikely avenue for that type of intervention.
The ingress into Aquarius seems quite obviously to be about the growth of technology and new forms of currency. It is also markedly cold in many ways, sometimes forcing us to be physically apart. But it is also paving the way for humanity to move into a higher state of consciousness. To do that, we need to break away from outmoded ways of thinking. We need to use the rational mind and logic - as represented by the element of air - instead of assuming that other people will make our decisions for us. We should always question what we see and hear - even when the monologue is our own. That requires us to exercise independence of thought. We can also use the element of air to dispel irrational fears and to seek truth in all things.
Material needs - as represented by the element of earth - have their place, but we are moving to an age of subtler sensibilities. Things that we have become familiar with are beginning to fall away. It won’t pay to cling onto them, blaming others for our own shortcomings and feeling cheated when the rules that we have become so wedded to begin to change. We are dynamic beings in a dynamic world and so we can either use this elementary shift to transform ourselves in a manner that takes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to think and take responsibility for ourselves, to embrace illumination - or we can resist growth and succumb to darkness. We can choose.