Working with my Chiron Tuning Forks today, it came to my attention that Chiron will next be perihelion (closest to the Sun in orbit, and therefore visible) in 2047.
Chiron is an asteroid that was discovered in 1977. Named after the mythical Greek centaur, Chiron represents the wound from which the subject will never fully recover. True healing comes from rising above the pain. Chiron also represents physiological health and healing issues, and is often prominent in the natal charts of healers.
Looking at the July 2047 transits, I can’t help but notice the challenging and very public (10th house) Sun/Chiron square next to an unhappy and volatile Mars in Cancer. This configuration appears to give rise to difficult themes involving imbalance and disharmony in important relationships and in the domestic health arena with Mercury, powerful in Gemini, in the 6th house.
These themes seem to play out within a climate of fear and insecurity. Something significant is exposed in a very public way - very likely a past transgression (South Node). But there is also a suggestion of the right use of power, leading to expansion in consciousness, with the Sun trining Pluto in Pisces. In other words, spiritual progress.
The Uranus/Saturn trine in the 2047 chart may facilitate a comparatively easy dismantling of structures that no longer serve us - an ease which may simply amount to a crumbling. But that process seems set to take place in an environment of pain and sacrifice.
Question is, what will we discover about past public health policies in 26 years’ time?